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Meet the Administrators

Heather Kohler (Director)

Heather has been a homeschool mom since 2012. She married James in 2000 and they have 6 great kids: Abigail, Nathan, Caleb, Matthew, Benjamin, and Zoey. She loves homeschooling for so many reasons, but the greatest reason is to spend time developing her children into who the Lord has created them to be. Her passion is to see others come to know the Lord and to encourage them to pursue Him and to live the abundant life He has provided for them.

A verse that has fueled her life for many years is Acts 16:31. "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved - you and your household."

Knowing that the Lord has a plan not only for her, but for the entire family, is something that has inspired her to focus on family ministry and to encourage others to do the same. email Heather

Michelle Scrivens 

Michelle is wife to Chris and mom to Erik and Jakob.  The boys are 10 years apart, so it is like they are doing it all over again.  What a blast. Chris is a pastor in Chester, NJ and they have been in this area since 2008.  They started homeschooling Erik in 2002 and haven’t stopped. Just as Erik was getting ready for high school, Jake was ready for kindergarten.  They are active in their church, community and homeschool group so there isn’t too much down time, but when they get a chance to do something together, they either get outside or settle in for a good TV show.

Erik graduated several years ago and now lives in California, while Jake is enjoying being home and having the flexibility to spend time with dad when he has off, learn history and science from living books, and express his God-given talents without the confines of a class room.  Michelle is active in her church and TLC and tries to balance that with working seasonally at an area farm and cleaning her house.  Chris loves the outdoors and his motorcycle, and when he needs to decompress, you can either find him on his bike or in the woods.

One verse that they have hanging in their kitchen is:  Romans 5:3-4 "We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope."   email Michelle

Jen Weaver 

Jen has been homeschooling for many years.  She has been married to her high school sweetheart, Brian, for 25 years and has 5 children.  Rebekah, Hannah, Victoria, and Derek have all graduated, and Nathan is in high school.

Jen has a degree in fashion merchandising from International Fine Arts College (now Miami International University of Art and Design).  While she has a passion for the arts and design, her greatest creative project has been raising and educating her children at home.  She is incredibly thankful for the grace God gives her to accomplish His will.

"And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 2 Corinthians 12:9  email Jen

Serena Edoh 

Serena is a homeschooling mom of two awesome kids, Lillianne and Lincoln. She has been married to her husband, Alex, since 2008. Serena loves homeschooling and feels blessed to be part of the TLC community. She particularly enjoys connecting with and encouraging other moms. Aside from homeschooling, Serena also works with young adults from all over the world who are living with local families as part of a cultural exchange program. Above all else, Serena loves the Lord and wants to bring Him glory in all that she does.

A verse that encourages her is Psalm 143:8 “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.”   email Serena

Kirsten Megaro 

Kirsten always dreamed of being a stay-at-home mom, she just didn’t plan on that home being a 30+ acre farm or the kids being home with her 24/7. However, homeschooling has been the biggest blessing by giving her the opportunity to build relationships with her 3 amazing kids, train them up in the Lord, and do ministry together on their farm. The farm has provided so many opportunities for learning new things, from how to raise cows and pigs, to how to preserve food from the garden. While there may not be much quiet, she relies on the promise in Psalm 118:14 that “The Lord is [her] strength and [her] song; He has become [her] salvation.” 

Before kids, Kirsten was a middle school writing and literature teacher and absolutely loved creating interactive lessons to get her students to fall in love with learning. As a homeschool mom and teacher at TLC, she still gets to use those gifts, just in a much wider variety of subject areas. She has also picked up a lot of techie knowledge over the years from her multi-talented husband, so if you need something added to the website or just need the copier unjammed, just shoot her a message. If you’re still not sure exactly who she is, just look for the woman in flip-flops.   email Kirsten

Kristen Cannavo 

Kristen is a mom of 2 girls and has been homeschooling for 4 years. She views homeschooling not only as a calling and responsibility, but as a gift.  It is her passion to share and nurture that gift with other families.  And the beauty of this co-op is that we have an opportunity to do exactly that and it has been such a blessing to her family.

She believes homeschooling her children is an ever evolving process that might look different from year to year and from child to child. But that the core values of what Christ has done for us should always be central.  Straying from what may be considered “normal” can be scary, but she has learned over the years to lean into whatever path God has laid out, with complete faith and fearlessness.  

Her favorite verse is “Fear not, for I am with you: be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand.” Isaiah 41:10 email Kristen

Meet the Coordinators

Sandy Keegan (Special Events)

Sandy plans our special events such as picture day, the  Valentine's party, the Celebration of Learning at the end of the school year, and many others. Her energy and enthusiam are contagious, so don't be surprised if a conversation with her ends with you volunteering to help with one of our annual events. Contact her to suggest new event ideas, volunteer to help with planning or running events, or ask questions about upcoming special events. email Sandy

Jessica Nickoley (Field Trips)

Jess coordinates the majority of our field trips and does her best to provide opportunities for all ages to participate. We have enjoyed a wide variety of activities over the last few years because of the time she commits and the organization she provides to make these trips possible. Contact Jess if you have any suggestions or questions about field trips, and keep an eye on the calendar to see the great trips she plans for this year! (Members are still welcome to submit their own field trips to the calendar for approval as well.)      email Jess

Regina Moran (Nursery)

Regina makes sure that our nursery is well-stocked with everything our workers will need to care for our littlest co-op attenders each Thursday. Her careful oversight ensures that everything stays clean and in order to provide a safe environment for our children. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to our nursery, please contact Regina.   email Regina

Bonnie Voulgaris (Hospitality)

Bonnie is the woman to thank for setting up the coffee and tea every Thursday at co-op. She is also the one who organizes new baby and sympathy gifts as needed, and sends birthday wishes to our members so everyone knows that they are loved by this TLC family. Please email Bonnie if you have a hospitality request. email Bonnie